Sen. Jim Dabakis Reacts To Jackie Biskupski’s Five Percent Lead

Residents take to the polls to vote in Tuesday's election. Photo: Gephardt Daily/ Kurt Walter

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – November 3, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) –

(Click here for the latest vote totals.)i

The November 2015 election results are trickling into the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office, but Senator Jim Dabakis is ready to offer Jackie Biskupski his congratulations.

Latest vote totals give Biskupski a 5 percent lead over incumbent mayor Ralph Becker with 46.8 percent of the vote counted.

Biskupski 52.19 percent

Becker     47.81 percent

At 11:10 p.m. Tuesday Biskupski released the following statement:

I am deeply humbled by the outpouring of support I have received. We are currently leading the race by four and a half points, and although there are still votes left to be counted, we are confident that we will prevail.

The mayor has let me know that he will not be conceding, so we must wait for the final certification on November 17.”

“I will be taking the next two weeks to close down the campaign, thank my donors and supporters, and spend time with family. I am confident, staying positive, and looking forward to the 17th.

Senator Dabakis was quick to take to his Facebook page and comment on Biskupski’s lead. “This is a momentous and historic day in Utah history.

Congratulations go out to Jackie and her team. Her talent, experience and leadership, I am confident, will add on to the great work done by Mayor Becker over the last eight years.

Jackie’s historic election as the first lesbian mayor of a city in Utah brings home the point that Salt Lake is a very special place. A place where diversity is embraced and where people are judged by their ability and the content of their character.

This is a joyful moment for Utah’s gay community–the election of a lesbian mayor. An event unimaginable for many generations of LGBT Utahns. It is a very special night for so many who over the years were forced to spent their lives hiding and being afraid to be themselves. It a watershed day for our community–proving that old stereotypes about Salt Lake and Utah are dead wrong. This is a great place to live, a place that values everyone.

With the election of a single mom, a woman and a lesbian, who is raising a son of color, let the message go forth, across Salt Lake, Utah and across America that little girls must not limit their dreams. Jackie’s election proves that even if you are different, if you work hard and set your sights high, one day you may be Mayor–or perhaps, even President of the United States.”

Responses to Senator Dabakis’ post were mixed, with some applauding his words, and some others stating that Biskupski’s sexual orientation is not relevant to her campaign.



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