Vernal police say juveniles shot “airsoft type” weapon at people as part of TikTok challenge

File photo: Gephardt Daily

VERNAL, Utah, Feb. 8, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — Police received multiple calls Monday reporting that someone was shooting an “airsoft type” weapon from a moving vehicle, and a number of people reported being struck by the projectiles.

In a Facebook post Tuesday, the Vernal Police Department said an investigation into the incidents identified two suspects, and an Orbeez gun was recovered. Police are still working to identify additional suspects.

The two juveniles already identified by police will be referred to 8th District Juvenile Court on multiple charges.

“Orbeez guns project a small diameter ‘orb’ projectile, and are accurate for a substantial distance. Though marketed as a toy, the projectiles are capable of inflicting injury, and firing one at a person is a crime,” the post says.

“It was also discovered during the investigation that the suspects involved were acting as the result of a TikTok Challenge,” the post continues. “A criminal act being acted out as the result of a challenge IS a crime and often victimizes people or property. These criminal acts will be prosecuted, and come with real consequences and real victims.”

Anyone with information regarding additional suspects is asked to call the Vernal Police Department at 435 789-5835, or Central Dispatch at 435 789-4222.


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