Trump speechwriter Stephen Miller to write inaugural address

Stephen Miller, campaign speechwriter and adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, was chosen to write Trump's inaugural address. Screenshot from Politico

WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (UPI) — Stephen Miller, a speechwriter for President-elect Donald Trump, was chosen to write Trump’s inaugural address, the transition team said.

Miller, 31, wrote most of Trump’s prepared campaign speeches, Politico reported Monday, including Trump’s address to the Republican National Convention. That speech was criticized as overly dark and concentrating on presenting the country as in crisis.

For the inaugural address, regarded as a historical document typically offering hope and inspiration to the American public, the Trump transition team is considering the education system, infrastructure, border security, the state of the military and the outsourcing of jobs as major topics.

Miller’s tasks during the campaign included speech writing, policy advice and speech-making himself as an occasional warm-up act for Trump. He wrote speeches Trump used on the post-campaign “thank you” tour, and is a former aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Trump’s nominee for attorney general.

Two people familiar with the Inauguration Day plans said an idea under consideration is for Trump to move from the swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 20 directly to the parade, avoiding the traditional congressional luncheon.

Arrangements may be made for Trump to join the parade or wade into the crowd, they said, a move which could be interpreted as symbolically sidestepping Washington’s political insiders to be in the company of those who elected him.


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