Christie Announces Support of 20-Week Abortion Ban

Christie Announces Support of 20-Week Abortion Ban

Christie Announces Support of 20-Week Abortion Ban

Photo Courtesy of UPI

TRENTON, N.J., March 31 (UPI) — Gov.Chris Christie (R-N.J.) endorsed legislation banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Christie, a potential Republican presidential candidate, made his comments Monday to the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion organization which sought opinions on the issue from each potential candidate. With Christie’s response, all the major contenders are in agreement that the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” should be enacted.

The House bill was pulled from consideration in January after some female Republican legislators said its language allowed exceptions for pregnancy by rape only if the crime is reported to police by the victim. The legislation protects unborn in the first 20 weeks of gestation.

The Susan B. Anthony List website “2016: Where Do they Stand?” quotes Christie as saying, “America is one of just seven countries that permits elective abortions past (five months). We can do far better than this. I urge Congress to take swift action on this important issue.”

His comments came after the organization noted he had not responded to their request for comment, an e-mail to reporters Monday noting, “13 likely candidates, including Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and Gov. Scott Walker, have announced their support for this popular measure. Gov. Christie is the only exception.”


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