Indianapolis Mayor Signs Executive Order Protecting LGBT Community

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard
Photo Courtesy UPI

Indianapolis Mayor Signs Executive Order Protecting LGBT Community

Photo Courtesy UPI
Photo Courtesy UPI

INDIANAPOLIS, March 30 (UPI) —Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard has signed an executive order protecting the city’s LGBT community from discrimination and denounced the state’s controversial new religious freedom law.

Ballard, a Republican, denounced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was signed into law last week by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

“Indianapolis will not be defined by this,” Ballard said. “Indianapolis will not be defined by this. Indianapolis welcomes everybody.”

The act’s supporters have said that it will allow citizens to claim religious freedom in legal matters. Critics have argued that the law will allow businesses to discriminate against gay people.

Ballard called on lawmakers to repeal the law or change it to protect people from discrimination.

“This isn’t about politics. This isn’t about PR. This is about doing what’s right for individuals, for our city, and our state,” he said. “Discrimination is wrong, and I hope that message is being heard loud and clear at the Statehouse.”

Pence defended the law last week but said he would support any legislative attempts to “clarify” it.


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