Colombian Police Bust Woman with Cocaine-Filled Breast Implants

Cocaine-Filled Breast Implants
Colombian Police Bust Woman with Cocaine-Filled Breast Implants


Colombian Police Bust Woman with Cocaine-Filled Breast Implants


The breast implants removed from Paola Deyanira Sabillon were found to contain 3.3 pounds of liquid cocaine. ITN video screenshot
The breast implants removed from Paola Deyanira Sabillon were found to contain 3.3 pounds of liquid cocaine. ITN video screenshot


BOGOTA, June 22 (UPI) — Authorities in Colombia said a woman was arrested at an airport in the capital when her breast implants were found to contain 3.3 pounds of liquid cocaine.

Authorities said Paola Deyanira Sabillon, 22, drew the attention of security staff at El Dorado International Airport when she appeared nervous in line and X-rays determined she had recently undergone surgery on her breasts.

Sabillon, who is from Honduras and was preparing to fly to Spain, told investigators she received breast implants filled with an unknown substance she had been hired to transport.

The implants were removed at a Bogota hospital and Sabillon was treated for an infection stemming from the original surgery, which is believed to have taken place at a clinic in Pereira, Colombia.

The substance inside the implants was determined to be cocaine, authorities said.

Sabillon was hospitalized for five days before being released into police custody.


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