Overseas pilot sends heartfelt letter to family of fallen North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor

North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor on deployment in Afghanistan. Photo: Facebook

Nov. 5, 2018 (Gephardt Daily) — A pilot who served with North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor shared a letter he wrote to Taylor’s loved ones Monday.

Taylor, 39, was killed Saturday during an “insider attack’ while serving in Afghanistan.

Major Adbul Rahman Rahmani, Special Mission Wing Pilot, from Afghanistan, tweeted a letter to Taylor’s widow, praising his late friend as a man who loved his family and his country, and who improved the lives of those he met.

The tribute letter reads, in full:

Dear Mrs. Taylor,

I am Major Abdul Rahman Rahmani, an Afghan Army Aviation pilot in the Special Mission Wing, stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan, a few miles away from where your honorable husband was shot yesterday by an evil man. I served alongside your husband, MAJ Brent Taylor. I flew missions with him. He was an inspiring man who loved you all. I remember him saying, “Family is not something. It is everything.” You may or may not be aware of some of our cultural differences, but in Afghanistan family is not everything, for many of us, family are treated as property. Here, a woman cannot express herself fully, either inside or outside the house. Here, most families treat children unfairly. Let me admit that, before I met Brent, even I did not think that women and men should be treated equally. Your husband taught me to love my wife Hamida as an equal and treat my children as treasured gifts, to be a better father, to be a better husband, and to be a better man.

Mrs. Taylor, Jennie, if I may call you that, I have lost eight members of my own family, including my father, three uncles and two cousins in this devastating war brought on to our nation during last 30 years. I have lost too many friends to mention. I have personally been wounded two times. I still have the scars of this brutal war on my right leg. However, I will continue to still fight this “good fight” in the words of your respectful husband. I am fighting for a great cause, as Brent said, “you fight for not only the safety of Afghans, but the safety of my family back in Utah. It is your fight that keeps us out of fear and out of reach of global terrorism. We [Americans] don’t want another 9/11 to happen in the United States.

Jennie, please pass my words to your seven children, whom I consider as brothers and sisters to my own five children, Taha, Taiba, Tawab, Aqsa and Wahab. Tell them that their father was a loving, caring and compassionate man whose life was not just meaningful, it was inspirational. I gained a great deal of knowledge from him and I am a better person for having met him. Were he here, I know he would not take any credit for that, but I want you to know it and to hear it from me. I am writing this letter to you about a man whom I considered a close friend, and whom I dearly loved. A leader; one who was the first to volunteer for any tough assignment. Never stop telling them what a great man their father was, he was a true patriot. He died on our soil but he died for the success of freedom and democracy in both of our countries. In his last message that I shared on my Twitter, he awakened not only Americans, but the world to the values of democracy and freedom. I want you to all to know that most Afghans feel extreme sorrow and pain over the loss of your husband and father. When you think of our country and his sacrifice, I can’t imagine your sorrow or sense of loss, but please don’t think that the violent act that look his life is representative of our sentiments towards Americans. On behalf of my family and Brent’s friends here in the Special Mission Wing, we pledge to continue to work hard until the end, the day when peace will return to our country and violence and hatred no longer claim the lives of both of our countrymen. I assure you that the one who shot him only represents evil and violence. I pray that God will give you strength, peace and show you his blessings in this time of great sorrow.

Please accept my condolence and sympathy.

God bless you.

The Facebook message that he refers to, Taylor’s last, was written Oct. 28 and reads, in part: “As the U.S.A gets ready to vote in our own election next week, I hope everyone back home exercises their precious right to vote. And that whether the Republicans or the Democrats win, that we all remember that we have far more that unites us than divides us. ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’ God bless America.”

At a Sunday press conference, it was confirmed that Major Taylor, member of the Utah National Guard, was killed in action, in an apparent insider attack, while serving with his unit there, under the operation Freedom Sentinel.

Maj. Gen. Jefferson Burton said Taylor was also serving under NATO Operation Resolute Support. He was not serving with any other Utah National Guardsman or units at the time of his death, but was supporting special operations forces in the region.

Taylor had served with the Utah National Guard since 2013. He had been deployed twice to Iraq and twice to Afghanistan. He volunteered again “with the support of his family and his good wife, Jennie, because they thought he could do something good for the people of Afghanistan, to have the freedoms that we enjoy in Utah and America and have taken for granted,” said Utah Gov. Gary Herbert at the press conference.

Taylor’s body will arrive back at Dover Air Force Base in Maryland on Monday at 9:45 p.m. Details regarding funeral arrangements will be forthcoming.

Herbert will order the lowering of the flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of Utah on the day of Taylor’s funeral.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to support Taylor’s family. As of Monday at noon, that page has raised $292,000.

Gephardt Daily will have more on this developing story as information is made available.


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