Germany Willing To Consider Further Help To Greece

Germany Willing To Consider Further Help To Greece Amid Debt Crisis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been front and center for weeks in the bailout negotiations for Greece, said Sunday that her government is willing to consider further measures to relieve Athens' debt health.
U.S.-led Coalition Drops Leaflets Over Islamic State Capital

U.S.-led Coalition Drops Leaflets Over Islamic State Capital: “Freedom Will Come”

The U.S.-led coalition previously dropped leaflets with artwork depicting Islamic State fighters being fed into a meat grinder.
Man Attacks Baby Sea Turtle Nest

Man Attacks Baby Sea Turtle Nest, Shoots Volunteer In Florida

After a man began shouting profanities and attacking a sea turtle nest at a Florida beach Friday night, two volunteers stepped in to stop him. One of the volunteers was shot for his efforts. The man reportedly hates turtles.
New Photos Of Pluto's Surface

New Horizons Craft Sends New Photos Of Pluto’s Surface, Including “Tail”

NASA's New Horizons space probe has transmitted new images that depict the surface of Pluto in great detail -- and include what looks like a tail coming from the dwarf planet's atmosphere.
Islamic State Implicated In Car Bombings

Islamic State Implicated In Car Bombings Against Militants Factions In Gaza

The bombs had been planted on vehicles belonging to officials with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Hydraulic Fracking Linked To Hospitalizations In Pennsylvania

Hydraulic Fracking Linked To Hospitalizations In Pennsylvania

Rates of hospitalization in two counties for a range of conditions have increased noticeably as the rate of wells has increased in the area.
Study: Obese People May Never Attain Normal Body Weight

Study: Obese People May Never Attain Normal Body Weight

A new large-scale study finds the probability of obese men and women reaching and maintaining a normal body weight is extremely low.
Hitchhiking Robot

Hitchhiking Robot Begins Journey Across U.S.

HitchBOT is a hitchhiking robot that has already traveled across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands.
NASA Assists In Pharmaceutical Drone Delivery

NASA Assists In Pharmaceutical Drone Delivery

An outdoor free clinic in Virginia was the first to receive an unmanned aerial delivery of pharmaceuticals Friday.
Tsarnaev Moves Next Door To Colorado's Supermax Prison

Tsarnaev Moves Next Door To Colorado’s Supermax Prison

The Boston Marathon bomber was moved this week to Colorado's notorious Supermax prison facility, but he didn't have far to go.
Photo Of Queen Elizabeth II Giving Nazi Salute

Photo Of Queen Elizabeth II Giving Nazi Salute As Child Shocks Britain

"No one at that time had any sense how it would evolve. To imply anything else is misleading and dishonest," a royal representative said.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Transported to Colorado Supermax Prison

Tsarnaev Moves Next Door to Colorado’s Supermax Prison

Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been moved to Colorado's notorious Supermax prison -- but he didn't have to travel very far to his new cell.
Deadly Car Bombing in Iraq

Islamic State Kills 130 in Deadly Car Bombing in Iraq

Nearly 130 people died in a crowded Iraq marketplace after an Islamic State suicide bomber detonated a small tanker truck.
Dylann Roof South Carolina Church Massacre

KKK, Black Panther Affiliate to Hold Opposing Confederate flag Rallies in South Carolina

A Ku Klux Klan group and an affiliate of the Black Panther Party plan to hold Confederate flag rallies Saturday at the South Carolina State House.