Hayley Atwell… The 13th Doctor? Is It Time for a Female “Dr. Who?”

Hayley Atwell
Photo Courtesy: UPI.com
August 18, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – Hayley Atwell says she’d love to play ‘Dr. Who’ in response to a fan’s question.
Photo Courtesy: The CW
Photo Courtesy: The CW

A fan on Tuesday asked Atwell on Twitter if she would like to be on the science fiction TV series. “I’d like to BE Doctor Who,” Atwell responded.

And many fans of the series are stepping behind the actress who is currently seen on the TV series “Agent Carter (The CW), to say its time for a female doctor.

1. She’s the perfect combination of dramatic and goofy.
The Doctor is a demanding role that combines child-friendly silliness, sci-fi stunts, and serious drama.


2. She’s already great at handling fandom.
‘Doctor Who’ only films about 12 episodes each year, and a lot of the lead actor’s job is to act as an ambassador for the show. This means zillions of promotional interviews, charity events, and showing up to conventions. As a veteran of the Marvel Cinematic Universe PR machine, Hayley Atwell already has this in the bag.
3. This Rose/Doctor fanfic basically writes itself.

4. Technically, she’s already part of the “Whoniverse.”
Atwell has already voiced several characters in the ‘Doctor Who’Big Finish audio plays, and we know from Peter Capaldi and Freema Agyeman that a minor role in ‘Doctor Who’ can lead to a bigger part later on.

Photo Courtesy: The CW
Photo Courtesy: The CW

We’ll have to see what the producers of the long-running sci-fi series have to say.

But what do you think? Is it time for a female Dr. Who? leave your comments below!


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