MIDVALE, Utah, May 7, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Five people in two families staying at the Midvale Family Center have tested positive for COVID-19, officials have confirmed, and now all residents are being tested for the virus.
Chloe Morroni, spokeswoman for Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson, confirmed to Gephardt Daily that the two families have been moved to an isolation facility, and all residents of the Midvale Family Center, a homeless center also known as The Road Home, will be tested for COVID-19, with early test results likely to be released on Friday.
The facility, located at 529 W. 7300 South, is not accepting new guests, who will instead be checked into a motel, Morroni said.
“No family will go unsheltered who needs to be sheltered,” Morroni said.
Those at the family shelter can be tested at by Health Department workers or their own providers, Morroni said, but the goal is to have everyone tested by end of Thursday. She was not sure how many residents are currently at the shelter.
“The tests will be conclusive, and we are hoping to have results soon,” she said.
The next plan of action will depend on the test results, Morroni said.
In mid-April, 94 residents of the Men’s Resource Center, in South Salt Lake, tested positive for COVID-19. That was nearly 46% of the 205 residents tested at the county’s South Salt Lake homeless facility.
“The county, city, and partners put an action plan into place to limit and identify other cases,” said a Salt Lake County government statement released on April 17.
“Weeks of added procedures to prevent the spread of the virus held positive cases back as long as possible. Those include extra cleaning, further separation inside the resource centers, and daily screenings for temperature and symptoms, followed by testing, as needed.”
*Correction: The dateline in this original article was published as March 7, 2020. The actual date was May 7, 2020.
So what is it ,May 7th or March 7th?