Cottrell Appointed Utah’s Inspector General of Medicaid

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SALT LAKE CITY (November 18, 2015) ─­ Gov. Gary R. Herbert has appointed Gene Cottrell to serve as the inspector general of Medicaid services. Cottrell will replace Lee Wycoff to become Utah’s second Medicaid inspector.

“Gene is a hard worker and an admirable individual. He has done a wonderful job at the Utah Office of the Inspector General, and I look forward to working with him as he continues to advocate on the behalf of taxpayers,” Gov. Herbert said.

As inspector general, Cottrell will be tasked with identifying fraud, waste and abuse within the Medicaid system, and recovering inappropriate paid Medicaid funds. He will also provide strategic planning to ensure the integrity of the Utah Medicaid system.

“I take the responsibilities of public trust seriously and will continue to ensure taxpayer’s dollars are used in the most efficient manner,” Cottrell said.

“I will continue to build strong ties within the provider community and other state and federal government agencies by fostering an environment that encourages open communication, cooperation and coordination.”

Cotrell’s appointment is subject to confirmation by the Utah Senate.


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