Dramatic images: Davis SAR shares videos of hiker’s rescue

DAVIS COUNTY, Utah, March 21, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — Davis County Sheriff Search and Rescue Crews spent much of Sunday morning trying to reach a hiker and her two dogs, who were stranded overnight in the ice and snow in the Parrish Creek Canyon area.

A Department of Public Safety Helicopter was on the way, but someone needed to be on the ground to prepare the woman — who began her hike Saturday afternoon — to be safely hoisted from the scene. Crews also needed to pack out the two dogs.

After the rescue was complete, crews shared videos of the dramatic rescue. One, above, shows the operation from a relay station on the ground. The second, below, shows they hiker’s hoist into the sky.

“We like puppies,” said a voice narrating one video shared on the Davis County SAR Facebook page. “They’re all doing really good. She went down into an area where there are no trails…. Down in these canyons, a lot of times people leave trail and get caught in this scrub oak.”

The narrator, who said he was working as a relay to make sure radio transmissions and instructions could be shared between the ground crew and the DPS helicopter pilot, noted that is snowed Saturday night.

“So she spent a cold night on the mountain.”

Crews hike to the patient and do a full assessment, the narrator said. They get some calories into the victims, and do their best to warm them up.

A cold hiker is packaged into a hypo kit for warmth prior to being hoisted off the mountain Photo Davis County SAR

“We’ve got these really cool hypo kits we put them in. Basically, it’s a burrito bag, and we put them in there, warm them up, and keep them warm.”

The DPS helicopter then lowers a sling-type hoist with an attendant, he said. Crews “package” the victim, then hoist the patient up into the sky for transport.

Photo Davis County SAR

The DPS attendant and the SAR crews then hike down the mountain, in this case with the rescued woman’s dogs.

Below, see the rescue from ground area, and the triumphant hoist of the patient to the DPS helicopter.


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