Hurricane heroes, escaped bobcat in the beer garden! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — Sept. 12, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 12, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — There are so many amazing stories coming out of Hurricane Irma’s devastating trip across Florida.

Like Kristen Bell, trapped in her hotel and visiting all the kids to lead them in a “Frozen” singalong and making best friends with the elderly evacuees … or the Utahn who sent his family home to safety but kept his Texas Roadhouse open to feed rescue workers.

Here at home, it looks like Mitt Romney’s running Senator Orrin Hatch’s seat. School districts and attorneys along the Wasatch Front are jumping in to help DACA kids protect their identities and figure out what to do next. Speaking of identities, if your financial one was stolen during the Equifax breach, the Utah Attorney General’s office has some advice for you.

There’s bobcat escapes through the beer garden … the best professor EVER … wrestling a grizzly and the dumbest pervert ever — calling the FBI to complain about being scammed while enticing a minor.

It’s a big fat bunch of weird on the show today! And make sure you drop a comment when we chat about dinner for four at Christopher’s in order to win. We heart your face!


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