Matthew McConaughey: America ‘hungry’ for decency in politics

Actor Matthew McConaughey speaks during the National Governors Association Summer Meeting in Salt Lake City on Friday, July 12, 2024. Photo: Gephardt Daily/Patrick Benedict

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, July 12, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey says “America is hungry” for its political leaders to be decent to each other despite their differing views.

McConaughey joined Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and other governors Friday at the National Governors Association Summer Meeting for a conversation about the current polarizing culture of politics in the U.S.

“It’s important to me; it’s important to everyone,” McConaughey said. “We seem to be in a bad situation right now. The extremes seem to be going further left and further right. Decency doesn’t seem to be on the table. We’re going to have conflict and confrontation.

“Actually, you cannot have any unification if you don’t have confrontation. We need leaders to show how it works, and do a better job marketing that. It’s hard to market and sell success in how people negotiate. It’s not as exciting as the car wreck.”

Changing the way Americans disagree has been the focus of Cox’s Disagree Better initiative since it was launched in July 2023 when he became NGA chairman.

The initiative aims to help Americans learn the skills of healthy conflict and to change the political behavior of both voters and elected officials. Cox says the right kind of conflict often leads to better policy, can be more successful politically than negative campaigning, and is the pathway to restoring trust in our political institutions.

“The anger in our country is a cultural issue as much as it’s a political issue,” the governor said. “Politicians are a big part of the problem, but we can’t solve it alone. Disagree Better is about mobilizing Americans from all walks of life to get engaged in their communities.”

Cox said the initiative caught McConaughey’s attention and led to his appearance at the NGA meetings Friday.

“As soon as Matthew McConaughey heard about Disagree Better, he wanted to get involved. He’s been a big supporter, and I appreciate his willingness to use his voice to change the tone of our national conversation,” the governor said.

“He’s here not to push any political agenda, but to advocate simple kindness and curiosity. Whether you’re in Washington, Hollywood, Austin or any small town in between — we all have a role to play in healing our country.”

McConaughey says Washington, D.C., shouldn’t resemble Hollywood.

“I’m in the entertainment business. Our leaders don’t need to be in the entertainment business,” he said. “The leadership — and especially the government — don’t need to look like an episode of ‘The Real Housewives.’ How do we negotiate the right way with decency? And show that the two sides can at least walk away understanding and going, ‘I hear where you’re coming from.’

“It can change. I think we’re all hungry for it. America is hungry for it.”


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