Mosquitoes in Washington County test positive for West Nile virus

ST. GEORGE, Utah, Aug. 7, 2019 (Gephardt Daily) — West Nile virus has been found in mosquitoes located in Washington County, officials said Wednesday.

The Southwest Utah Public Health Department said in a news release the positive test results were obtained by the Southwest Utah Mosquito Abatement and Control District.

“West Nile virus can be spread to humans and animals through the bite of an infected
mosquito,” said Kassidy Peterson, SWUPHD epidemiologist. “We hope that people will stay vigilant and protect themselves to prevent the possibility of human infection.”

While most people infected by West Nile virus won’t notice any symptoms, some people may experience flu-like symptoms or worse, especially the elderly or people with poor immune systems, the news release said.

The health department said the best way to prevent West Nile virus is to prevent mosquito bites by doing the following:

● Use mosquito repellent when outdoors from dusk to dawn (when mosquitoes are
most active). Adults and children older than 2 months of age can safely use
repellents that contain up to 30 percent DEET.
● Wear long sleeved shirts and pants while outdoors.
● Remove any puddles or standing water around your home where mosquitoes can
breed, including birdbaths, wading pools, old tires, buckets, and plant containers.
● Report bodies of stagnant water in Washington County to the Southwest Utah
Mosquito Abatement and Control District at 435-627-0076.

Click here for more information.


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