Mother gives update on near-drowning victim Levi Wright

An undated photo of Levi and Kallie Wright. Photo: Kallie Wright/Facebook

BEAVER COUNTY, Utah, May 28, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Eight days after 3-year-old Levi Wright was pulled, limp and unconscious, from a Beaver County creek that swept him downstream, his mother is giving another medical update.

“Levi is getting another 24 hour EEG which monitors brain wave activity now & he has another MRI scheduled Friday,” Kallie Wright wrote on social media. “Our goal this week is to extubate him (remove his breathing tube) and see if he will tolerate breathing on his own! One step at a time. Thank you for your continued prayers, support & love sent our way.”

Wright first posted on Thursday after what appeared to be a positive sign.

“LEVI WOKE UP!,” she wrote on May 23. “I am shook, we don’t know much but the doctor said it was OK for me to get excited about that and I AM! My baby is so tough! He got a little wild so we had to settle him down again but my heart!”

By Friday, May 24, there was more bad news.

“The MRI wasn’t good, we’re shattered but it is just images that suggest a certain quality of life,” wrote Wright, whose husband, Levi’s father, is rodeo star Spencer Wright.

“Our real teller of all will be what Levi does over the course of a few days. Please continue to pray! I’m not giving up on my baby just yet. I’m working on getting any and all neurologists or other educated professionals with expertise in this area who are willing to view his MRI. Then just seeing what my strong boys does in the next few days.”

By Sunday, Kallie Wright was considering all the possible outcomes for Levi, and hard choices that might be ahead.

“This is an experience, I pray deep in my soul you never have to know the way I am beginning to. This is a roller coaster that you go on unwillingly & blindfolded, you do not know what’s coming next. You just get to wait & ride it out. We are taking it day by day.

“The term ‘brain injury’ is very broad, there are ranges and different severities. No two brain injuries are alike, even if the accident is similar. No two brains recover or don’t recover the same. There is a lot medical professionals don’t know, but what they do tell you is based off legitimate medical literature & history.

“Our doctor is nothing short of outstanding and I believe with all of me that her heart is invested into him, as she has provided us the most precious gift of time. Something we almost did not have. Whether that is time to see if God provides a miracle to us or whether it’s time for us to research, learn and process this all in order to make the most informed decisions. Every decision that Levi’s Dad and I will make will be made based on what we — the two people who know him best — believe he would want. In all this, he comes first.

“We are exploring the therapies that have been mentioned, engaging with those we feel can be of support for us & getting as many professional eyes on this as possible. We still just need the prayers. We will need them for years to come as I fear we haven’t even reached the hardest part of this.”

Most of Wright’s posts have gotten hundreds to thousands of likes and shares, and responses from people promising prayers.


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