Officials release name of Sandy boy missing in Teton River

Officials have released the name of a Sandy teen missing in Idaho's Teton River since Sunday afternoon, the is reporting. Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia

MADISON COUNTY, Idaho, June 26, 2018 (Gephardt Daily/Nate Eaton, — Officials have released the name of a Sandy teen missing in Idaho’s Teton River since Sunday afternoon, the is reporting.

Justin Grass, 14, was swimming when he disappeared around 2:55 p.m., according to  Madison County Sheriff’s Office officials.

Search and rescue crews spent all day Monday combing through the river looking for any sign of the boy, officials said.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Justin’s family,” Madison County Sheriff Chief Deputy Bart Quayle told “We will continue to search for this young man and give our best combined efforts. We are very appreciative of all the first responders, volunteers and all the men and women who continue in their search efforts.”

Other agencies, including the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office, Fremont County EMS and Search and Rescue, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office and Madison EMS and Search and Rescue, have assisted in the search for the teen.

Crews will return to the river Tuesday in hopes of finding the boy, officials said.

Gephardt Daily will have more on this developing story as information is made available.


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