WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah, June 2, 2018 (Gephardt Daily) — Three suspected gang members are behind bars after being arrested in a slow-speed, rim-grinding chase across much of West Valley City early Saturday morning.
The chase began about 1:15 a.m. after a West Valley City patrol officer noticed a suspicious car with three people inside parked outside a convenience store near 4000 West and 4400 South.
Sgt. Sean McCarthy of WVCPD told Gephardt Daily the occupants of the car were acting strangely and did not enter the store, even though they were parked in front for more than 30 minutes.
Once the suspects drove off, the patrol officer attempted a traffic stop only to have the car speed away.
Officers pursued the vehicle at a distance, following at slow speed until they reached West Jordan where Unified and West Jordan police officers spiked the car’s tires.
Despite the damage, the suspects drove on, turning north onto Bangerter Highway before heading west back into West Valley City.
Several minutes later, the chase came to an abrupt end near 6200 South and 5000 West when the suspects tried to bail from the car.
All three were captured on the spot and taken into custody.
Investigators said two of the three suspects are known gang members and no strangers to police.
No weapons were found inside the car, although McCarthy said they did recover “fraudulent documents” and fake ID material.
The three suspects were booked into the Salt Lake County jail where they’ll face both misdemeanor and felony charges.
Gephardt Daily will update this story as more information is made available.