U of U Students Plan ‘Dump Trump’ Protest During Salt Lake City GOP Debate

Dump Trump
Facebook page photo for University of Utah Students for a Democratic Society Dump Trump event.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, March 15, 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — The University of Utah group Students for a Democratic Society is planning an event called Dump Trump: Protest the GOP Debate in SLC.

The protest is planned to coincide with the Republican Presidential Primary Debate, to be hosted by Fox News at 7 p.m. Monday at the Salt Palace.

Donald Trump has said he may not attend the Salt Lake City debates, indicating he thought enough debates had been held and his views are known. The U of U group has indicated its protest will go on with or without a Trump appearance.

“As listed below, we will have speakers, pinatas, chants, and other fun things,” said a post on an Facebook event page created by the group.

The page indicated the U of U Students for a Democratic Society plans to meet ahead of time at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building before walking to the Salt Palace.



  1. all i got to say to these students is you sheep.
    lets think about this Hillary puts classified info on unsurced servers were any hacker can get it with not even trying. Then you Bernie has been a politician for a veray long tim think he started in the 80s. But any how he has not done anything worth talking about in all thos years most would not know him if he was not running for president. then there is his free collage plane. so its making a bachelor degree nothing more then a high school diploma. But not only that the way he wants to pay for it will just force more investors to invest in other country stock markets. that will lead to the end of wall street and the usa as we know it.

  2. Zachary honey, based on your grammatical prowess I’d say you could really benefit from Bernie’s plan for affordable higher education.


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