Update: Boulter Fire in Tooele Co. slows after growing to 3,000 acres

Photo: Trevor Ferris

TOOELE COUNTY, Utah, August 25, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — The Boulter Fire, burning in southeast Tooele County, lessened in intensity early Sunday morning as humidity grew and winds slowed significantly.

According to Utah Fire Info, the fast-moving blaze, first reported at 2:42 p.m. Saturday, started near the Tooele – Juab County line 6 to 8 miles from 5 Mile Pass, and grew to more than 3000 acres before settling down after dark.

Driven by erratic wind gusts of 50 mph, the cheat grass-fueled fire triggered evacuations as it burned into the Tintic Mountain Range north of Eureka, forcing SR36 to be closed and filling neighboring Salt Lake Valley with thick, white smoke.

Federal, state & local resources were called in to fight the fire, including aerial tankers, which made repeated slurry drops in support of ground crews struggling to contain the blaze.

The Northern Utah Type 3 incident management team has been ordered to take command of firefighting efforts and will be in-briefed at noon tomorrow, according to a 9:59 p.m. post by Utah Fire Info.

Gephardt Daily will update the developing story as more information becomes available.

Video courtesy Trevor Ferris


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