Utah DWR public shooting ranges closed to prevent spread of COVID-19

The Lee Kay Public Shooting Range. Photo Courtesy: Utah DWR

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April 2, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources’ two public shooting ranges will be closed beginning Friday, until further notice, in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

On March 26, the Lee Kay Public Shooting Range announced a few closures to different areas of the facility due to earthquake damage and to adhere to social distancing directives, said a news release from Utah DWR. However, the DWR decided to close the entire facility, as well as its Cache Valley Public Shooting Range, located in Logan, beginning Friday.

“We recognize that Utahns need spaces to enjoy outdoor recreation at this time,” DWR Hunter Education Coordinator Gary Cook said. “However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to enforce the health recommendations, and we had some visitors who were not adhering to social distancing guidelines at our facilities. Our main priority is to keep our staff, volunteers and others safe— we are committed to following the recommendations from health officials and other government leaders.”

Before going out to enjoy activities this spring, the DWR recommends checking with the appropriate land-management agency and county officials before planning a trip. Many counties are enforcing new recreation-related rules and restrictions that may affect your ability to visit, camp or recreate in the area, the news release said.


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