Video shows rare wolverine sighting in west Layton

Photo Courtesy: Utah DWR

LAYTON, Utah, July 1, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — Officials are searching for a wolverine spotted outside a home in Layton Thursday morning.

“This wolverine raced past the front of a house in west Layton this morning,” said a tweet from Faith Heaton Jolley, the public relations officer for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

“Two people walking on a trail in the area also saw it. If you see the wolverine, please keep your distance and call @UtahDWR at 801-476-2740 immediately — we’d like to relocate it.”

It’s rare to see wolverines, even in the high-elevation areas where they typically live, a follow-up tweet said. Thursday’s sighting is only the sixth confirmed sighting in Utah since the 1970s. DWR biologists think this is the same wolverine spotted on Antelope Island in May.

“Each year, @UtahDWR receives several reported sightings of wolverines, most commonly from the High Uintas,” the follow-up tweet said. “Because of their elusive nature, biologists are unable to confirm most of these reports.”


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