60-Year-Old Man Uses ‘Beer Yoga’ To Drink Without Hands

Beer Yoga
An Oregon 60-year-old shows off his hands-free drinking skills with 'beer yoga.' alysemv/YouTube video screenshot

BEND, Ore., Dec. 6 (UPI) — A 60-year-old Oregon “granddude” showed off his yoga skills by resting a glass of beer on his forehead and drinking the beverage hands-free.

The video, posted to YouTube by Alyse Schiedler, features her 60-year-old stepfather showing off his favorite party trick: “Beer yoga.”

The man places the glass of beer on his forehead while in the standing position and slowly lowers himself until he is flat on his back.

The “granddude” then uses his legs to lift the beer from his head to the floor, where he grabs the cup with his mouth and drinks.

“Hashtag ‘stepdadgoals,'” Schiedler says in the video.

“My 60-year-old stepdad told us he could place a beer on his head and drink it without using his hands or arms….. We didn’t believe him but he totally killed it!” she wrote in the video’s description.


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