POTUS: Russian Airstrikes ‘Strengthen’ Islamic State

President Barack Obama Islamic State Airstrikes
Photo Courtesy: UPI

WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 (UPI) — President Obama told reporters Russian military support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is “only strengthening ISIL” during his report on the U.S. economy on Friday.

The report comes as Russia continues airstrikes over Syria to support a regime battling both the Islamic State — radical Sunni militants also identified as Daesh and by the acronyms IS, ISIS and ISIL — and moderate U.S.-backed Sunni rebels dissatisfied with the Assad regime.

“This is not a conflict between the United States and any party in Syria. This is a conflict between the Syrian people and a brutal, ruthless dictator,” President Obama said. “The reason Assad is still in power is because Russia and Iran have supported him.”

President Obama advocated for Assad to give up power in Syria, and allow an “inclusive” political transition to take place. He also noted Russia and the U.S. have an opportunity to cooperate against the Islamic State, which has made significant gains in Syria and Iraq, destabilizing the region in the process.

“It is true that the United States and Russia and the rest of the world have a common interest in destroying ISIL,” President Obama added, “The Russian policy is driving those folks underground, or creating a situation in which they’re decapitated , and it’s only strengthening ISIL.”


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