German Police May Have Foiled Terror Attack

Peter Beuth, Germany's Hesse state interior minister
Peter Beuth, Germany's Hesse state interior minister. Photo courtesy of O. Abels/Wikimedia

German Police May Have Foiled Terror Attack

FRANKFURT, Germany, April 30 (UPI) —Police arrested two people Thursday and may have foiled a terrorist plot in the town of Oberursel, near Frankfurt, Germany.Peter Beuth, Germany's Hesse state interior minister. Photo courtesy of O. Abels/Wikimedia

An unidentified married couple were arrested, Hesse state Interior Minister Peter Beuth said. “We suspect that there was a Salafist background,” he added, a reference to an ultra-fundamentalist branch of Islam. “Police investigations at this stage indicate that we have thwarted an Islamist attack.”

Heavily armed police raided the couple’s home Thursday morning. A search yielded a pipe bomb containing nails and explosive material, at least one assault rifle and at least 100 rounds of ammunition.

The couple were under surveillance after purchasing large quantities of hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to make explosives.

German media suggested the suspects intended to detonate the bombs at a bicycle race near Frankfurt on Friday that passes through Oberursel.



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