South China Sea Land Reclamation Almost Complete, says Beijing

South China Sea Land
South China Sea Land Reclamation Almost Complete, says Beijing

South China Sea Land Reclamation Almost Complete, says Beijing

Photo Courtesy: UPI

BEIJING, June 16 (UPI) — China announced Tuesday its land reclamation operation in the South China Sea is nearing completion.

Beijing’s Foreign Ministry said the contentious project, involving the pouring of sand onto live coral reefs, is to be completed in the “upcoming days,” Voice of America reported.

The short statement from Chinese authorities, however, did not include a deadline for a project that has drawn the ire of China’s neighbors.

The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan all claim the disputed Spratly Islands as their own.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said the artificial islands are being created for civilian use. The construction is “lawful,” Lu said, and infrastructure on the island would be dedicated for maritime searchers, conservation and scientific research, The Australian reported. The project does not affect international maritime law, according to China.

“The projects do not affect the freedom of navigation and over flight enjoyed by all countries in accordance with international law in the South China Sea,” Lu said in a statement.

Washington has voiced increasing concern over the island-building efforts, even though the United States said it does not side with any country in the sovereignty disputes that are casting a shadow over the Spratly Islands.

In May the Chinese Navy issued multiple warning messages to a U.S. military surveillance plane that carried American television journalists over the area.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has asked China to “implement a lasting halt on land reclamation” but Beijing has skirted the issue.

China’s President Xi Jinping is due to visit Washington in September.


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