Referee Chases Ducks Away From Soccer Field in Austria

Referee Chases Ducks Away

Referee Chases Ducks Away From Soccer Field in Austria

STEGERSBACH, Austria, July 9 (UPI) — A referee at a soccer game between Russian and Bulgarian teams in Austria had to escort a family of ducks from the field after they repeatedly disrupted play.


A video posted to the YouTube account for Russia’s Zenit St. Petersburg shows the family of seven ducks being chased from the field by a whistle-blowing referee after repeatedly interrupting the game against Bulgaria’s FC Ludogorets.

The team said the ducks repeatedly wandered into the playing area of the field in Stegersbach, Austria, before being escorted out by the referee.

The ducks may have been drawn to the field by the wet conditions, which eventually led to the game being called off before it was finished.

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