Salt Lake County Jail Inmate Charged for Stabbing Officer in Throat with a Pencil

Rodrigo Caballero Inmate Stabs Officer In Throat

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – July 29, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – A Salt Lake County Jail Inmate has been formally been charged for stabbing a corrections officer in the throat with a pencil.

According to Sgt. Cammie Skogg, Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Rodrigo Caballero, 33, stabbed the officer as he was opening the door to his cell to let him out for his recreation time.

“The officer opened the door and Caballero punched him in the throat,” said Skogg. “He thought he had just been punched but when the other officer arrived, he noticed he was bleeding from his neck and that is when they realized that Caballero had a pencil in between his fingers when he punched him.”

The inmate immediately retreated back into the cell and the officer was able to close the cell doors before attending to his injuries.

The officer did not sustain life threatening injuries.

According to Skogg, Caballero was incarcerated in the maximum security area of the jail pending the outcome on prior felony burglary charges when the incident happened on July 14, 2015.

He has now been formally charged in 3rd district court for felony aggravated assault of a prisoner.


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