Second Victim of Electrocution Incident Showing Signs of Improvement

Second Victim of Electrocution Incident
Photo Courtesy: GoFundMe

DRAPER, UTAH – September 8, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) Keith Mortensen, the second man electrocuted by a power line in Draper, is showing some improvement.

Mortensen suffered a heart attack during the incident on August 28 when he and two other workers were attempting to place an aluminum ladder at the side of a business at 88 West 13100 South. The ladder fell backward and struck the power lines.

An aluminum ladder stands where 1 worker was killed and 2 others critically injured after hitting a powerline. Photo: Gephardt Daily
An aluminum ladder stands where one worker was killed and 2 others critically injured after hitting a power line Photo Gephardt Daily

Doctors originally feared Mortensen had suffered brain damage and his chances of improvement were uncertain. However, in a facebook post on Saturday, September 6, his family said he was finally showing signs of improvement. “I have nothing but great news to report,” one family member wrote. “He is off his oxygen, and breathing all by himself. He will no longer be in ICU. Everyday he’s making wonderful progress. He’s truly a walking miracle. We as a family are truly blessed he’s still here with us. Thank you for all the love and support.”

One of the other workers, Aaron Garn, a husband and father of three children, died as a result of his injuries and the condition or identity of the third man involved has never been publicly disclosed.

According to family, Mortensen still has a long way to go in his recovery. He and his fiancee’, Tanna, have a seven-year-old daughter and a second child due October 31.

The family has set up a GoFundMe page for anyone wishing to help Mortensen and his family.



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