SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April 4, 2019 (Gephardt Daily) — Social media users reacted fast to the announcement Thursday morning that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will reverse its 2015 policy and allow the babies of LGBTQ parents to be blessed their children to be baptised as babies and baptizes at age 8.
In addition, the Church announced that people in same sex marriages and partnerships will no longer be classified as apostates, but as sinners on the same level as heterosexual people who have sex outside of marriage. The Church does not recognized legal same-sex marriages as legitimate.
Comments on Gephardt Daily’s Facebook page range from relieved to cynical, and touch on several other emotions that fall between. Most commenters agreed the change was long overdue.
Here are a few samples (some shortened for space):
● We’re taught to Choose The Right, but the church is a poor role model. Progress is infuriatingly slow.
- Though it could be worse, some religions absolutely refuse to change. Change does not mean God is wrong, only that humankind doesn’t stay the same, and neither should humankind’s church.
● I will be impressed when they start embracing the LGBTQ community and realize that God made us ALL just the way we are!
● Next they are going to say that weed is tight because God made it.
● Bad news and what’s next? Allow late abortion? … God’s Word says the homosexual act is detestable; it is an abomination.
● God doesn’t change nor does his word.
● They should have been LONG TIME AGO!!!
Doesn’t matter!!!
● Are you freaking kidding me? My name is coming off their lists of members today. I didn’t know they wouldn’t bless an innocent child. Like most members I have met, they don’t know what they believe.
● Now that they’ve lost a bunch of members they are trying to backpedal.
● Finding it to be right on time… we are ALL Children Of God… ALL.
● I will be impressed when they start embracing the LGBTQ community and realize that God made us ALL just the way we are!
● Oh so now it’s suffer the children BACK onto me. This should never have happened in the first place. Happy they changed it back!
● As always it is your choice where you go to church or not. Damn if you so damn if you don’t as always.
● Money talks.
● Waffle much?
● As an active member of the Church, I’m not surprised at all. Policy does not equal doctrine. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t necessarily “set in stone.”
● I live in Utah, and this is being heard here without a lot of celebrating. Don’t listen to our local news stations because they are all heavily influenced by the LDS Church.
- We are happy that this policy reversal will save lives in the future, but will it bring back the lives that were lost to it?
● We’re taught to Choose The Right, but the church is a poor role model. Progress is infuriatingly slow. Though it could be worse, some religions absolutely refuse to change. Change does not mean God is wrong, only that humankind doesn’t stay the same, and neither should humankind’s church.