Quentin Tarantino Trashes Disney On Howard Stern’s Show

Quentin Tarantino Trashes Disney
Photo Courtesy: UPI.com

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 17, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) — Quentin Tarantino has publicly thrown down the gauntlet with the “Mouse House.”

The director is accusing Disney of pushing his latest film out of ArcLight Cinemas’ renowned Cinerama Dome in Los Angeles in favor of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

The 70-millimeter version of “The Hateful Eight” was set to debut to the public in the Cinerama Dome on Dec. 25, but Disney, according to Tarantino, bullied ArcLight Cinemas into screening the latest “Star Wars” saga rather than “The Hateful Eight.”

“It was real bad news and it really f***ing pissed me off,” a visibly angry Tarantino told Howard Stern on a audio and video feed of Stern’s radio show. “They are going out of their way to f**k me.”

Photo Courtesy: TWC
Photo Courtesy TWC

According to Tarantino, when ArcLight Cinemas representatives told Disney they were honoring their “Hateful Eight” agreement, Disney threatened to pull “The Force Awakens” from all the chain’s theaters.

Tarantino continued: “Disney said: If you honor your deal with ‘Hateful Eight,’ we will not allow you to show ‘Star Wars’ – the biggest movie in the world – in any of your theaters.”

However, according to Deadline and other sources, Disney already had secured the Dome several months prior, and always intended to have “The Force Awakens” throughout the holidays.

This was further backed up by the fact tickets to the “Star Wars” film were available from Oct. 19, but Tarantino had only recently heard about the situation.

The Dome is an important venue for Tarantino; as a young filmmaker in Los Angeles the Dome served as an iconic landmark.

Tarantino was especially excited when the film’s debut was held there on Dec. 7. The director said at the time: “I made ‘The Hateful Eight’ for the Dome… This is the first time seeing it at the Dome for me, too, and it was like I hadn’t even seen it before, not like this.”

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