LOGAN, Utah, Sept. 2, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Tests in two cell blocks in the Cache County Jail have revealed that 46 inmates are positive for COVID-19.
In a statement released Wednesday, Cache County Sheriff officials say it was Aug. 22 when an inmate first showed symptoms of the coronavirus. The two cell blocks that inmate had contact with were placed under quarantine.
“On Monday, Aug. 31, all inmates from the quarantined cell blocks were tested,” the CCSO statement says. “We received the test results today, which confirmed 46 of those inmates tested positive. Of these, 45 were asymptomatic, while only one experienced mild symptoms.”
The inmates testing positive will remain in quarantine until they are clear of the virus, the statement says. The jail’s medical staff will monitor their health and symptoms.
The sheriff’s statement says that until Wednesday, the jail had fewer than five inmates test positive for COVID-19.
“From the onset of the pandemic, we have worked with the Logan City Police Department and other partner agencies in implementing alternative methods for arrest, such as issuing citations and summons rather than booking people into jail,” the statement says. “All of our partner agencies have been patient and outstanding to work with, and we appreciate their continued cooperation.”
Jail inmates and staff members wear masks at all times, the statement says. Inmates showing symptoms of any illness are quarantined. Cell blocks are sanitized daily with an electrostatic disinfectant sprayer. Staff members are medically screened and are required to do temperature self checks, the Cache County Sheriff Department statement says.
“We will continue to work with our jail medical staff as well as the Bear River Health Department to combat COVID-19 in our jail and community.”