Dangerously Low Water Levels At Utah Lake Mean Service Cutbacks

Utah Lake
Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia

PROVO, Utah, June 29, 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — Utah Lake is only 48 percent full this summer and with 100 degree plus temperatures and lack of rain, water levels are expected to continue dropping right up until winter.

Utah State Park Law Enforcement (LE) and Utah County Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities say they won’t be able to launch response vessels at seasonal numbers but will need to rely heavily on jet boats and air boats to conduct “people” rescue missions only.

The message for the boating public is that LE and SAR will not be able to retrieve boats stranded on Utah Lake, only rescue people in distress.

Boat owners will be responsible for making arrangements to have their boats towed away at their expense.

Finally, rangers warn that high winds and stormy weather can hit at any time and drastically change conditions on the lake. They suggest safety should be everyone’s top priority while recreating on Utah Lake.

Boaters are encouraged to let friends or family members know where they’re headed in advance and make sure they have life jackets and other personal flotation devices on board.


  1. I am sending this note because the name Gephardt is synonymous with investigative reporting.
    The question that is worth investigating is why the water level at UT Lake is so low this early in the summer. The “party line” is that we are in a drought cycle, but there is something missing, something that appears very significant to me.

    Food for thought:

    UT Lake is currently at the level it was at when it reached the lowest point last year (October 2015).

    The snow pack for 2014-2015 was significantly poorer than for 2015-2016.

    Between October 2014 and June 2015 the lake level rose about 3 feet. Between October 2015 and June 2016 the lake rose less than 1 foot.

    At Deer Creek and Jordanelle (and almost everywhere in Utah), water levels are better than at this time in 2015.

    Where did all the water go that should have been gone (and stayed) into Utah Lake this spring and summer???? even the Great Salt Lake rose this spring!

    Let me know if you uncover the real reason, and let Utah know as well

    Thanks for your time,


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