Utah Woman Receives Death Threats After Taking a Picture?

Big game hunter Rebecca Francis Giraffe

Utah Woman Receives Death Threats After Taking a Picture?

RecbeccaSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – April 16, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – A Utah native is officially receiving death threats for taking a photo with a giraffe that she killed, five years ago.

Comedian Ricky Gervais tweeted a photo of the woman commented with a controversial saying of “What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal & then lie next to it smiling?”

Big game hunter Rebecca Francis is the one shown smiling next to the deceased giraffe. The Gervais post has erupted into a firestorm of outrage since the posting on April 13. It has already hit more than 30,000 retweets and there have been nearly 24,000 favorites on Twitter.

People online now are wishing much more than ill will for the mother of eight children.

There are some however who say that Francis’ actions are providing more good than anything.

“Ricky Gervais has 7.5 million Twitter followers, so he is able to incite an audience against her and so the attack this time happens to be a bit more strong,” HuntingLife.com CEO and fonder Kevin Paulson told CBS News.

The giraffe was already sick and near death. That is what Francis, who has been featured on several cable sporting channels, said.


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