Fire Muse Circus Launches Kickstarter Campaign For U.S. Tour.

Fire Muse Circus

Fire Muse Circus Launches Kickstarter Campaign For U.S. Tour

Salt Lake City, March 14, 2015 –  Fire Muse Circus brings the fire to a magical circus show called “Tear through the Veil” and now seeks crowdfunding support to take the performance across the United States this June. The group will stop in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. among others.  Future plans include taking their show overseas to dazzle a global audience.  For those that can’t make it to the live show, a DVD will be produced.

The group says “Tear through the Veil” is a story about humanity; the process of self-discovery, self-worth, and the power of belief.  The story weaves through several characters as their internal process of self-actualization is told using metaphors incorporating breathtaking choreography of fire dancing, aerial acts, acrobatics, dance, and a variety of other circus arts.

The troupe has poured hours of practice into their crafts and are excited to take their art to the next level; traveling to major cities across the country to inspire more people with a unique show that promotes a positive approach to personal growth.  They have launched a  Kickstarter campaign, knowing that the power of crowd funding can help to make it all happen!

Creator of Fire Muse Adriane Colvin said they are looking forward to their 2015 tour. “Artists deserve to be paid for what they do, they need to make a living at what they do,” she said. “I feel very strongly that what people will see in our Kickstarter video is that it’s not just for us, it’s for all artists and through Kickstarter and the funding of the crowd we’re able to do that and that’s why we’re so, so excited about it.

“My whole life I thought that entertainment would be a way to inspire people, to take a message to people and deliver the message in a way that isn’t necessarily the normal way you receive information” Colvin said. “Entertainment is a way to inspire and that’s what’s important to me because ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to do this so here I am looking into the future, we’ve done it and we’re ready.”

The Fire Muse Circus Kickstarter Page is at: and the Official Fire Muse Circus Website is at


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