West Valley: Firefighters Save Cats from Burning Home

Firefighter Saves Cat
Gephardt Daily Photo

West Valley: House fire displaces family

Firefighter Saves Cat
Gephardt Daily Photo

West Valley, March 10, 2015 11:15 p.m.  (Gephardt Daily) – A fire broke out in West Valley around 2800 West and 2900 South tonight displacing a family. During the call firefighters entered the house to save the family’s cats. “We found two of the three cats,” said West Valley Battalion Chief Chris Beichner.  EMTs treated the cats that were found for smoke inhalation.

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Firefighters quickly doused the flames and got the fire under control.  The fire is believed to be started by candles that a woman had lit just prior to her falling asleep in the residence. According to  Chief Beicher, “She was lucky she woke up, she didn’t have any smoke detectors in the home.


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