Gov. Herbert Reports for Jury Selection, is Dismissed

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Gov. Herbert Reports for Jury Selection, is Dismissed

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SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – June 23, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – Gov. Gary R. Hebert reported for jury duty this morning in the Provo 4th District Court and was dismissed by the judge. The governor was one of 35 potential jurors interviewed for assignment to a case involving driving under the influence.

“It is important for all of us to step up and fulfill our responsibilities when called to serve,” said Gov. Herbert. “At the end of the day, I can tell you I feel good about our process, about jury selection and about the judges who serve on the bench. The process works very well in Utah and we have very good people who participate and perform their civic duty.”

The governor will now be able to meet the remainder of his scheduled commitments today. He departs for Western Governors’ Association meetings in Lake Tahoe, Nevada this evening where he and his counterparts will discuss a number of issues ranging from drought to transportation to energy. The governor returns Friday afternoon.


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