Jub Jub Helps You Get Over Fears

Happy and Sad Clown - Gephardt Daily
Jub Jub Helps You Get Over Fears

Jub Jub Helps You Get Over Fears

Jub Jub the Clown has performed at birthday parties, churches, corporate and community events.  He is a professional clown, master balloon artist, magician and member of the Utah Jester’s clown alley.  Jub Jub has seen his share of people who are afraid of his kind, and feels empathy for them.



“You know, these people are seriously scared,” said Jub Jub. “This is a phobia. These people are absolutely scared. And it makes me feel bad because I wanna say ‘no no no, you don’t know me.”

JubJub The Clown

Jasmine Jones says her fear of clowns began when she saw the film “It,” adapted from the novel by Steven King. Tim Curry portrayed Pennywise, a malevolent jester who dwells in the sewers and eats children, and it was revealed in the final act to actually be a giant arachnid from outer space.  (One would think that this movie would have instilled more people with a palpable fear of bad writing than of clowns, but who are we to judge?).

We challenged Jones to sit down with a nice, normal clown, one on one, in an attempt to face her fear. After giving it some thought, Jasmine agreed.

In part two of this story, we will see what happens when Jones meets a clown and gets to know him as a person. Will she decide not to judge him until she has walked a mile in his big floppy shoes? Or will she be traumatized?

Check in with Gephardt Daily tomorrow to find out.

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