Murray police arrest driver after female passenger is run over while jumping from vehicle; injuries ‘do not appear to be survivable’

Photo: Gephardt Daily/ Monico Garza/ SLCScanner

MURRAY, Utah, July 23, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Murray police have arrested a man who allegedly fled officers early Tuesday morning, and ran over his passenger who exited the vehicle.

The female passenger who was hit suffered injuries “that do not appear to be survivable,” says an affidavit filed in the arrest of 31-year-old Butrow Maw Kol.

The crash occurred at 4680 S. Box Elder St., the police statement says.

“Officers on scene reported that a vehicle fled from them, and a person exited the vehicle while it was still moving,” the affidavit says. “This person was run over by the vehicle they exited and transported to the hospital in serious condition. The person was identified as K.S. and is in serious condition with injuries that do not appear to be survivable.

“Officers further reported that a traffic stop had not been initiated by activating their lights. The vehicle appeared to be damaged, and officers were following when it began to accelerate quickly away from officers.

“Your affiant spoke with Officer J. Rivera who stated that he noticed a vehicle that was driving abnormally southbound on State Street near 4600 South. The vehicle was described as a black Chevrolet truck with dual rear wheels. The Chevrolet looked to have problems and he was going to make a traffic stop to see if the driver needed assistance.”

Gephardt Daily photo by multimedia journalist Monico Garza

The truck turned west, onto Miller Street.

“The Chevrolet was increasing at a high rate of speed traveling faster than it was on State Street. Approaching the T-intersection of Box Elder Street it made a right-hand turn to go northbound. The turn was abrupt and done at a high rate of speed. Officer J. Rivera then noticed the passenger front door open, and a female came out of the car.

“The female was run over by the truck’s rear tires. The female then remained on the ground and Officer J. Rivera exited his vehicle calling medical…. Law enforcement has been advised that the condition of the patient is serious to life threatening.”

An officer pursued the truck, which “was driving recklessly and narrowly missing vehicles that were parked on the east side of a residential street.” It did strike one vehicle, then the pursuing officer saw a man in black clothing park the truck and flee toward Main Street, Kol’s affidavit says.

“Officer T. Alston was wearing a patrol uniform with police patches clearly visible. Officer T. Alston told the male to stop, and a foot pursuit started. Officer T. Alston said that behind a car dealership the male gave up” and was handcuffed.

In a police video of the injury incident, you can see a female exit the vehicle while it is in motion, the statement says. “The female goes underneath the vehicle because of the angle of the turn when she exits.”

Gephardt Daily photo by multimedia journalist Monico Garza

Kol was checked out at Intermountain Medical Center, then transported to the police station for an interview. Post Miranda, he “agreed to answer questions without having counsel present.

Kol said he was at his girlfriend’s apartment when he was asked to give a female a ride home.

Kol told officers he was driving slowly because of vehicle problems.

“Butros said he noticed two police vehicles behind him. When asked how he knew they were police Butros said he was nervous because he was on Probation. Butros said he knows what cop cars look like. Butros said he never saw police lights but began to drive quickly because
he was scared. Butros said he was not thinking. When Butros said he was turning he noticed Kelsey jumping from the vehicle.

“Butros then said he fled from police. Butros said he gave up because he doesn’t run from the police.”

Kol, arrested at 1:45 a.m. according to the affidavit, “said he started drinking around 7 p.m. (Monday) and that he had
7 to 9 beers.”

After a warrant was issued, Kol’s blood was drawn for testing, with results pending.

“As of writing this statement K.S. has been admitted to the Shock Trauma ward at the Intermountain Medical Center after undergoing surgeries to stop internal bleeding,” the affidavit says.

Gephardt Daily photo by multimedia journalist Monico Garza

Kol was arrested for investigation of:

  • Failure to respond to officer signals to stop — death/injury, a second-degree felony
  • Receive or transfer stolen vehicle, a second-degree felony
  • Failure to remain at accident involving serious injury, a third-degree felony
  • Driving under the influence, second offense in 10 years, a class A misdemeanor
  • Reckless endangerment, a class A misdemeanor
  • Fail to stop at command of law enforcement, a class A misdemeanor
  • Fail to comply with duties at vehicle accident with property damage, a class B misdemeanor
  • Driving on suspended or revoked license, a class C misdemeanor
  • Operate/move unsafe vehicle, an infraction

Charges will be determined by the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office.


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