Questar Gas Construction Crews Uncover Ancient Site in Sandy

Gas Construction Crews Uncover Ancient Site

Questar Gas Construction Crews Uncover Ancient Site in Sandy

20150430_101812_resizedSANDY, UTAH – April 30, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) — Questar Gas got quite a surprise when they were trying to replace a 50 year old pipeline- they uncovered materials that are suspected to be part of an ancient site.

The crews were working on a Questar Gas pipeline through Dimple Dell Park when a backhoe uncovered a darker color of dirt. The workers suspected it could be evidence of Indian ruins, that may be close to 1,500 years old.

Archaeologist Michael Hori was hired by Questar to monitor the laying of their new pipeline just in case something like this might happen. “This is a pit house,” he said. “You can see the wall of it, they would dig down, and set up a super-structure, and cover it with mud or clay.”

Crews also found items including a stone drill, arrowheads, and bone fragments.

The archaeologists expect to complete the excavation work by the weekend. They will bury the site after completing their excavation, which is an effective way to protect the site.

The artifacts will be studied and researchers will try to learn more about the people who originally inhabited the site.

If you make a find like this, officials remind you to report it, not take it home.


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