SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah, March 26, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — After Summit County issued a stay-at-home order for residents, effective Friday, Sheriff Justin Martinez is dispelling some rumors.
“The Summit County Council, County Manager, and Health Director, in collaboration with the Summit County Board of Health and Mayors of the Cities and Towns of Summit County issued an Order requiring all residents to stay at home and cease non-essential travel and operations until at least May 1,” a statement from the Summit County Health Department statement said.
“This order goes into effect Friday, March 27 at 12:01 a.m. and applies to non-essential businesses, services, and visitors in addition to residents.
As part of the order:
- Visitors in Summit County are asked to leave as safely and quickly as possible
- Visitors planning future trips are asked not to visit Summit County for the duration of this order
- Secondary home owners who are not currently residing in the county are also asked to avoid the county
Thursday morning, Martinez tweeted: “Let’s stop the rumors! Sheriff Justin Martinez clears up some rumors going around our Summit County community. Thank you for your help in stopping the rumor mill!”
His tweet stated the following:
- There will be police checkpoints — FALSE!
- I cannot leave my house — FALSE!
- The Sheriff’s Office will be doing house checks — FALSE!
- “Shelter in place” is the same as “Stay at home” — FALSE! “Stay at home” means to remain at home as much as possible unless you’re engaging in essential activities. This is not a lockdown.
- I can’t leave the county to go to work in another county — FALSE!
- I need to stock up on supplies because the grocery stores are going to close — FALSE!
- Law enforcement will be pulling people over to see if they meet the “essential” portion of the health order — FALSE!
- I can do yard work — TRUTH!
- I can go on a leisurely drive — TRUTH!
- I can go outside for walks/run, hikes, bike rides — TRUTH! We want you to stay healthy, just practice physical/social distancing while doing so. If a trailhead is full, find another one.
- If I don’t live in Summit County, I shouldn’t go to Summit County to recreate — TRUTH! Please recreate in your own county until orders are lifted.
For more on the Summit County stay-at-home order click here.