Teens have it the worst during the ‘100 Deadliest Days’ for driving

File photo: Gephardt Daily

ST. GEORGE, Utah, June 14, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — The “100 Deadliest Days” are upon us as law enforcement issues warnings for the worst time of year for traffic trauma.

And the span from Memorial Day to Labor day is typically the deadliest for our youngest drivers, the St. George Police Department notes online in a press release.

“The 100 Deadliest Days are the riskiest for teen drivers with the combination of free time, and lack of experience. Be aware of these statistics and share them with your young drivers!”

Some grim numbers from St. George PD:

The fatal crash rate at night among teenage drivers 16-19 years old, is three times that of adults aged 30-59.

Speeding is a factor in 30 percent of fatal crashes involving teen drivers, and alcohol is involved in 27 percent of fatal crashes with the younger set behind the wheel. And among those, police said, 22 percent had blood alcohol content levels at the common legal limit of .08 percent or higher. In Utah the legal limit to drive is .05 percent.

Apparently it’s not safe to even have them in the car.

“Risk of being killed in a crash increase by 44 percent when carrying one passenger under 21.

“Doubles when carrying two passengers younger than 21.

“Quadruples when carrying three or more passengers under 21.”


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