The KFC escape pod, Obama uses Obama meme, Black Friday shopping apps! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — Nov. 21, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Nov. 21, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — We don’t care how you’re getting to Thanksgiving — traffic is going to suck — we’ll tell you the peak times to avoid driving and flying on “The Morning Stream” today.

You KNOW you’re shopping on Black Friday- we’ll tell you what’s going to be open, and there’s a killer new Apple app that finds you a discount. On EVERYTHING.

If you want to avoid the whole holiday mess, KFC (why KFC?) has come up with a metal internet blocking tent! There’s the sad story of a criminal defense that won in court- the culprit was too fat to run, so he was declared innocent. A new study from BYU proved my speeding is all for good! And Harrison Ford is awesome, saves more lives.


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