Three Millionth Utahn Announced By Governor

Gov. Gary R. Herbert and First Lady Jeanette Herbert celebrated the milestone of Utah's three millionth resident at Mountain Point Medical Center in Lehi today. Photo: Gephardt Daily/ Kurt Walter

LEHI, UTAH – October 26, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert and First Lady Jeanette Herbert celebrated the milestone of Utah’s three millionth resident today. The event was held at Utah’s newest hospital, Mountain Point Medical Center in Lehi.

“Utah’s growth is validation that we are doing things right,” Gov. Herbert said. “Our quality of life and sound economy are attracting people from around the world who are seeking opportunity. Perhaps more importantly, we are creating opportunities for our children, so they can pursue their dreams here at home in Utah.”

Utah’s population increases by approximately one person every 13 minutes. Someone moves into the state every 90 minutes.

Utah experienced the fifth fastest population growth in the nation. Northern Utah County is one of the fastest-growing areas in the state, although both Northern Utah County and southern Salt Lake County are the epicenter of Utah’s current population growth.

“This milestone of three million Utahns is yet another piece of evidence that Utah is in the midst of a remarkable economic and demographic and cultural transformation, which is also accompanied by growth and change,” said Dr. Pam Perlich, director of demographic research at the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. “From the vantage point of 1950, when Utah’s population was about half a million, who could have foreseen that in the span of a mere 65 years we would reach three million people? This is truly a remarkable milestone.”

Approximately two-thirds of Utah’s growth since the two million population milestone can be attributed to natural increase (births minus deaths) which helps Utah retain its ranking as the youngest state in the nation. Utah has the lowest median ages in the country at 30.5, compared to 37.7 nationally. The three millionth resident was calculated by estimates of births, deaths and net migration. Approximately one-third of Utah’s growth since the two million population milestone occurred because of net in-migration, people relocating to Utah. Since 2010 an estimated 37,000 people have moved into Utah.

It took 119 years from when the pioneers first entered the Salt Lake Valley for Utah to reach 1,000,000 persons, another 29 years to reach 2,000,000 persons, and 20 years to reach 3,000,000 persons. State analysts project the state will reach four million people in 2031, in 16 years.




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