Tooele High School hits test-to-stay threshold

Tooele High School. Photo Courtesy: Google Maps

TOOELE, Utah, Sept. 14, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — Tooele High School has hit its test-to-stay threshold, officials said Tuesday.

A news release from Tooele County School District says Senate Bill 107 requires schools to do a test-to-stay event when schools with 1,500 or more students have 2% of their students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days, or schools with fewer than 1,500 students have 30 students test positive for COVID-19 within the previous 14 days.

“When a school meets the test-to-stay thresholds, the school district in consultation with the local health department will work together to offer testing for all students,” the news release says.

“As of this week, Tooele High School has reached the 2% threshold for positive COVID-19 cases. The Tooele County Health Department will implement a ‘test-to-stay’ protocol starting Thursday at the school. Families/students will be notified through the school.”

Tooele High students will be required to participate in the test-to-stay event whether vaccinated or not, the news release says. Before the COVID-19 test can be administered, parents/guardians must fill out the registration and consent form here.

“Those choosing to opt out of being tested will need to quarantine for 10 calendar days before they can return to school,” the news release adds. “Parents/guardians can also choose to have their student get a COVID test done at a COVID testing station, through their healthcare provider or a health department and provide their results to the school.”

For more information about test-to-stay, click here for information provided by Tooele County School District, or here for general guidelines.


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