NEPHI, Utah, April 5, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Utah Department of Transportation will rebuild and improve the pavement surface along a seven-mile section of Interstate 15 between the bridge over the Sevier River and the Juab/Millard County line beginning Monday.
Work is scheduled to begin in the southbound lanes of mileposts 193 to 200 and will continue through June, said a news release from UDOT.
Crews will be working on the roadway Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday, from 7 a.m. to noon. However, lane restrictions will be in effect 24 hours a day Monday through Thursday and Friday until noon, the news release said. Weekend work may be necessary. Work on the northbound lanes is scheduled to begin in June and continue through July; motorists should expect heavy delays.
“UDOT is using a ‘crack and seat’ method, which uses a hydraulic hammer to pound the concrete surface and create hairline fractures in the roadway,” the news release said. “Crews use a 50-ton roller to compress (seat) the cracked pavement and compact it so a new asphalt surface can be placed. This cost-effect process allows the department to reuse the existing roadway as a new sub-layer, which extends the life of the road and saves money by not reconstructing it.”