With the help from air resources, crews were able to extinguish hot spots & finished line around the fire perimeter on the #GoatSpringsFire. Today, crews will continue with mopping up & begin rehabbing efforts. 50% contained. VC: Ryan Despain & the Eureka wildland crew. #kmyffsl pic.twitter.com/6jqLm7wZgP
— Utah Fire Info (@UtahWildfire) May 31, 2021
JUAB COUNTY, Utah, May 31, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — The Goat Springs Wildfire in Juab County is now 50% contained, fire officials reported Monday morning.
The last reported acreage burned was 444.
“With the help from air resources, crews were able to extinguish hot spots & finished line around the fire perimeter on the #GoatSpringsFire,” says a Monday tweet from UtahFireInfo.
“Today, crews will continue with mopping up & begin rehabbing efforts. 50% contained. VC: Ryan Despain & the Eureka wildland crew.”
The fire, classified as human-caused, was first reported on Friday, May 28. The exact cause and the responsible parties remain under investigation.
Gephardt Daily will update information as new details are released.
This video was taken yesterday from the #GoatSpringFire. Thanks Drew Froula for sharing this AWESOME video with us! ? #kmyffsl pic.twitter.com/Bq2b2fPtnN
— Utah Fire Info (@UtahWildfire) May 29, 2021