Motorized Surfboard Filled with $100,000 Worth of Meth Washes up in Tijuana

Motorized Surfboard Filled with $100,000 Worth of Meth

Motorized Surfboard Filled with $100,000 Worth of Meth Washes up in Tijuana

Photo Courtesy: UPI

TIJUANA, Mexico, June 19 (UPI) — A motorized surfboard loaded with $100,000 worth of crystal methamphetamine was found washed up on a Tijuana beach, Mexican police said.

Police said the surfboard, powered by a turbine connected to eight batteries, was found Tuesday night by beach-goers in the borough of Playas de Tijuana.

Investigators said the surfboard was found to be hollowed out and filled with 20 pounds of meth, worth an estimated $100,000.

The surfboard, believed to be a means of smuggling drugs into the United States, suffered an apparent mechanical failure when water entered the electrical compartment, police said.

The investigation has been turned over to federal authorities, police said.


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