Mueller interviewed Sanders in Russia probe

Robert Mueller. Photo: Wikipedia/

Feb. 16 (UPI) — White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller interviewed as part of his investigation into whether Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

“The President urged me, like he has everyone in the administration, to fully cooperate with the special counsel. I was happy to voluntarily sit down with them,” she said in a statement first reported by CNN.

The interview took place in late 2018, a source told NBC News.

Sanders’ predecessor, Sean Spicer, also faced questioning by Mueller in 2017.

The Justice Department probe — which is now being overseen by new Attorney General William Barr — also is looking into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in election meddling and whether President Donald Trump was guilty of obstruction when he fired former FBI Director James Comey.


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