U.S. Navy Plans To Launch Drone Submarine Squadron By 2020

Displayed prototype of the Large Displacement Unmanned Underwater Vehicle - Innovative Naval Prototype (LDUUV-INP). Photo credit Office of Naval Research/Released

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 (UPI) — U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced plans to deploy a squadron of underwater drones by 2020.

The squadron will include the Large Displacement Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, or LDUUV, a 10-foot-long unmanned submarine. The vehicle is still under development, but it is expected to be fitted for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

“These systems are affordable and rapidly deployable worldwide. They’ve already been operational and served as critical enablers and game-changers for mine-hunting missions, such as those that will be conducted aboard,” Mabus said on Tuesday.

Also on Tuesday, Mabus named retired Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Frank Kelley to serve as the first deputy assistant Navy secretary for unmanned systems. Kelley will be tasked with creating and implementing a strategy for unmanned technology development.

The U.S. Navy announced plans for moving forward with developing unmanned underwater vehicles in September. The vehicles are to be launched from littoral combat ships and Virginia-class and Ohio-class submarines.

LDUUV, currently a prototype, is scheduled for a demonstration in ocean navigation by sailing from San Francisco to San Diego in spring 2016.


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